Just like in a cafe, we talk about everything. Nothing heavy. Just talk over a cup of coffee.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


"Take note of your own faults and leave others' alone." (Unknown)

It is easy to find others' faults.

We will be able to write a very thin novel about others' faults.

But that is not an honorable deed. No one is perfect. That is for sure
we will find faults in others.

Leave it there.

Take note our own faults. No justification. Just admit it. Take note of it.

Be honest to ourselves.

Most of the time we will find a reason why we made that faults. It is
because we don't want to admit the faults, the mistakes we made. We
always try to blame it to the reason behind our faults.

And that's why we make the same faults, mistakes, over and over.

We won't be able to correct ourselves if we could not admit our
faults, mistakes without any excuses.

Now start to take note our own faults.

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