After the destruction of the Tumbler by The Joker in The Dark Knight, Batman's been needing a new ride. You can now create your own Tumbler and race it on a virtual track.
Wired exclusively revealed this new online game which is playable by clicking here and then take it for a virtual spin. How will yours turn out?
Wired spoke with Jordon Goldberg, the co-producer of the film.
“The Tumbler was built as a bridging vehicle for the military,” The Dark Knight Rises co-producer Jordan Goldberg told Wired, explaining the Batmobile’s place in the Nolanverse. “Since the bridging capability didn’t work, the project was abandoned and returned to the archives of Wayne Enterprises’ Applied Sciences division, where Bruce Wayne and Lucius Fox ultimately found another use for it. We all know what Bruce’s color of choice is, but now you get to choose.”The online Tumbler creator uses the actual 3-D Models that were used during the production of the film allowing you to upload your own patterns, colors or images to use as textures on your Batmobile. You may also add a rocket launcher. After you finish your Tumbler, you can download them as a wallpaper and take them for a spin in the Wayne Industries Applied Sciences' division.
So why aren't you creating a Tumbler?
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