Inflammation is responsible for the vast majority of diseases in the body, including cancer, diabetes, arthritis and cardiovascular problems. Disease develops as inflammation progresses. Liquid extracts of white tea, witch hazel and rose were assayed to measure anti-collagenase, anti-elastase and catalase activity. The researchers then stimulated inflammation by adding hydrogen peroxide to the human skin cells and measuring the release of Interleukin-8 both with and without the presence of the plant extracts. Interleuken-8 is produced by the body at the beginning of the inflammation process. The results showed that all three plant extracts blocked Interleuken-8 activity, thereby demonstrating a likely method by which they reduce or prevent inflammation.
Anti-aging benefits and improved longevity
An earlier study, published in the International Journal of Colorectal Diseases showed that white tea, green tea, witch hazel and rose extracts all have significant anti-collagenase or anti-elastase activities. Collagenase and elastase are enzymes that play a significant role in the degeneration of cells and the aging process. This demonstrates that there are significant anti-aging benefits found in these substances, with white tea having the highest level of both substances.
Another very interesting study published in March 2001 in the Journal of Medicinal Food showed that adult fruit flies supplemented with rose extract had reduced mortality. Similar results have been demonstrated in mice. A 2005 study published in Biochemical Cell Biology showed that rose flower extracts can increase the life-span of mice, with male mice being more sensitive than female mice.
Modern scientific methods confirm the age-old wisdom of using rose, witch hazel and white tea to treat and prevent disease and aging. The benefits of using witch hazel and rose extracts on the skin have long been known and the aforementioned studies confirm these benefits. Drinking white tea can also be a powerful preventative against disease and aging, and anyone wishing to enjoy good health may be well-advised to drink white tea each day.
About the author:
Amelia Bentrup is the owner and editor of http://www.my-home-remedies.com a well-researched collection of natural home remedies. Discover natural cures for a variety of ailments and find specific information and safety guidelines for various herbs, vitamins, minerals and essential oils.
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